Poodll EnglishCentral

Installing EnglishCentral (from Moodle.org)
The Poodll EnglishCentral plugin is easy to install from Moodle.org. 1. Go to your site’s plugins installer and install them Your Moodle site has a han...
Thu, 21 Mar, 2024 at 10:52 PM
Registering to use Poodll EnglishCentral on your Moodle Site
1. Sign up on Poodll.com To use Poodll EnglishCentral and other Poodll plugins you will need an account on Poodll.com. Sign up for one of the paid subscrip...
Sat, 7 Mar, 2020 at 3:03 AM
Configuring the Poodll EnglishCentral plugin
Before you can use Poodll EnglishCentral you will need to set some licensing information. You can do this immediately after installing Poodll EnglishCentral...
Sun, 26 Jan, 2020 at 7:42 AM
Using the Poodll EnglishCentral Plugin
There are two steps to creating your EnglishCentral activities.  Create and save the activity Add videos to the activity Create the activity Creati...
Mon, 18 Mar, 2019 at 1:15 AM
Configuring Poodll for the Moodle Mobile App
Poodll EnglishCentral, Minilesson, ReadAloud and Solo plugins, can work on the Moodle Mobile App. Your site will need some basic configuration to make this ...
Mon, 3 Mar, 2025 at 2:22 AM