Before you can use Poodll EnglishCentral you will need to set some licensing information. You can do this immediately after installing Poodll EnglishCentral, or when you visit the plugin's admin settings page at:
Site administration -> Plugins -> Activity Modules -> Poodll EnglishCentral
In most cases you should have already received a Poodll API user and a Poodll API secret. If you do not have them, you can get yours by taking a free trial at
In most cases thats all you need to do.
Advanced Settings
If you have received a 4 - part set of credentials that authorize Poodll EnglishCentral without using the Poodl API information, then you can enter those in the "Advanced" section of the plugin's admin settings at:
Site administration -> Plugins -> Activity Modules -> Poodll EnglishCentral
Check that you have received a PartnerID, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret and Encrypted Secret.
NB In most cases you will not need or receive these and the fields should be left blank.
Contact Poodll support if you are not sure.Remove the Poodll API user or secret if they have been set
The 4 main settings are: Partner ID, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret and Encrypted Secret (usually the same as Consumer Secret). Though they look complicated, you just need to paste them in once. After that you can forget all about them.