Using either the Generico or Poodll filters it is possible to embed activities nicely into a Moodle course. You will need to have either:
- Poodll Filter + Cloud Poodll for Atto / Tiny Poodll*
OR - Generico Filter + Generico for Atto / Tiny Generico *
* Your Moodle default HTML editor is either Atto or TinyMCE. Whichever you are using determines the plugin you need.
Setting up the Cool English widget.
- It works best to do this with Google Chrome.
- Download the template file "coolenglish.txt" from this page (below).
- Open an empty template in the Generico or Poodll filter admin settings templates page
- Drag the template file over the green bundle box on the Generico or Poodll filter template page. The fields will fill in automatically.
- Save the template settings page
Using the Cool English Widget
- Edit or add the page on which you want to add the CoolEnglish activity
- Click the Poodll or Generico widgets icon on the HTML editor toolbar.
- Enter the URL of a Cool English activity
- Save the page and then view it
This is a video walkthrough of the process: