Using either the Generico or Poodll filters it is possible to embed activities nicely into a Moodle course. You will need to have either:

* Your Moodle default HTML editor is either Atto or TinyMCE. Whichever you are using determines the plugin you need. 

Setting up the Cool English widget. 

  1. It works best to do this with Google Chrome.
  2. Download the template file "coolenglish.txt" from this page (below).
  3. Open an empty template in the Generico or Poodll filter admin settings templates page
  4. Drag the template file over the green bundle box on the Generico or Poodll filter template page. The fields will fill in automatically.
  5. Save the template settings page

Using the Cool English Widget 

  1. Edit or add the page on which you want to add the CoolEnglish activity
  2. Click the Poodll or Generico widgets icon on the HTML editor toolbar.
  3. Enter the URL of a Cool English activity
  4. Save the page and then view it

This is a video walkthrough of the process: