At the top of each lesson item it is possible to add content (text, audio, video, images). For the content page item type that is all you can do. For other item types that require a student response, the content will appear ahead of the item type specific content.
The Content Checkbox Bar
Because the lesson items are displayed in a popup with limited screen real estate, the options for adding content are turned on via the checkbox bar. Each of the boxes when checked will display its setting form below. It is possible to check multiple options, eg Add Media and Add TTS Audio
Add Media
The Add Media content option allows you to upload audio, video or image files to be displayed to the student. MiniLesson will do its best to display the uploaded media in a responsive and sensible way to the student.
Add iFrame![](
The Add iFrame content option allows you to embed iframe content in your lesson item. This is the way to embed YouTube videos in a lesson item. MiniLesson will do its best to display the content in a responsive way that displays well on large and small screen devices. It may be necessary to tweak the iframe embed code received from a provider if it does not display correctly.
Add TTS Audio
The Add TTS Audio option allows the teacher to include text to speech powered audio to a lesson. Type or paste the text to be read into the TTS prompt text area and choose a TTS prompt speaker that matches the language of the text. It is also possible to choose the speed at which the text is read.
Add Text Block
The Add Text block option allows you to add a passage of text to be shown to the student. It supports rich text but images and media may not work as expected. You are encouraged to use the Add Media options for those