One of the innovations in Poodll is the player template system. Ready made templates are available for video and audio players. This makes it possible to use different video and audio players in different locations around your site. In some cases you might want a normal audio player, but in others you might want a player that only plays the audio once. Using the template system it's possible to create new players or to create variations of existing players. Players can be exported/imported and shared.
We can select default players for the site level, the course level, and even the activity level. And within the activity we can override the default player should we choose to do so.
To use Poodll players, the Poodll filter should be:
- Enabled
- Earlier in the order of filters than the Multimedia Plugins filter.
Do this at:
Site Administration -> Plugins -> Filter -> Manage Filters
Poodll mainly works on embedded media links (not embedded html5 players)
The Poodll filter only works on media embedded as "links" not media embedded as HTML5 audio or video tags.
Poodll ignores HTML5 players in the editor ![]() | Poodll processes media links in the editor ![]() |
Audio recorded with Poodll via our toolbar recorders can embed as "links." Audio uploaded using Moodle's default "insert media" icon on the HTML editor might not be. See this page for the correct way to upload an audio file, so that the Poodll filter can handle it.
Setting the site default player
The site default player for a file extension is set on the Poodll File Extension Settings Page.
Site Administration -> Plugins -> Filter -> Poodll -> File Extension Settings
On this page you can set:
- the file extensions to handle
- the player to be associated with each file extension
The file extensions to handle are specified in a comma separated list at the top of the page:
For each file extension specified, there is a checkbox to toggle handling, and a dropdown list of players from which to choose the default player. Note that if you don’t see the player here, you should check that “show in players list” is set to “yes” on that player’s template page.
Setting the course or activity default player
In the administration settings block for the course or activity you will see a “filters” link. This is a little used, but very neat feature of Moodle. This will open a local implementation of the site’s manage filters page.
In the entry for PoodLL, you will see a “settings” link on the right side.
If you click this you will see a local implementation of the PoodLL File extension settings page we saw earlier. Here you can choose the player to associate with each file extension at this level.
Overriding the default player
It is possible to override the default player as set at the site, course or activity level. To do this, you should click or move the cursor somewhere in the text link for the media file. Then click the “link” icon from the html editor toolbar.
Making a Player from a Preset
By default your Poodll will have about 10 player templates ready to be used. But there are more available from template presets.
Templates are bundles of CSS/JS and HTML. When inserted on the page, along with the media url, they become players. To add to your list of player templates, you can choose from the dropdown list of template presets at the top of a blank template settings page at:
Site administration -> Plugins -> Filters -> Poodll Filter -> Templates
The url of the text link should appear and be editable. To specify a player for this file, simply append a single ‘player’ parameter to the url: ?player=[player_key]
The player key is the unique key that each template has. If you are unsure of it, visit the template’s settings page at:
Site administration -> plugins -> filters -> PoodLL -> templates
You will see it at the top … in this case “audiojs”