Poodll P-CHAT is a new plugin and still not released on the Moodle.org plugins directory. For now the best way to install it is to download the zip file and upload it to Moodle.

1. Download the plugin zip file

You can download it directly from this link:


(The Github page is: https://github.com/justinhunt/moodle-mod_pchat

2. Go to your site’s plugins installer and install it

Your Moodle site has a handy system for installing plugins from zip files. From the site administration menu, go to:
plugins -> install plugins

Begin the Installation of the plugin, by uploading the zip file into the file area displayed.
Moodle should detect the plugin type automatically.


Let Moodle lead you through the installation. You can leave most of the settings as their defaults. But you must enter your Poodll API user and secret.

3. Get your API user and secret

You will need an API user and secret to enter into the settings page of Poodll- P-CHAT. This won't cost any money, it is free. But you will need to create an account and register your Moodle site with Poodll to get the API user and secret.

Create a free trial by starting at: https://poodll.com/try-poodll

The free trial gives you access to P-CHAT

The API user and secret will then be available on your member page at:  https://member.poodll.com

You will also need to register your Moodle site URL at that time. See here for more details.


After that paste the API user and secret into the Poodll P-CHAT settings on your Moodle site


Because the free trial expires, once you are set up, send an email to: [email protected] requesting we give permanent P-CHAT access to your account. We will add a renewable subscription to your account