Poodll Trigger exposes a subset of Moodle APIs for consumption via Zapier. Full documentation for each of the Moodle web services is available from the Site Administration -> Server -> Web services ->API Documentation page of your Moodle site.

Full documentation for each of the Moodle events is available from the Site administration > Reports > Event list page of your Moodle site

Zapier Actions (Moodle Web Services)

Zapier ActionMoodle Web ServiceDescription
Find Usercore_user_get_users_by_fieldSpecify the user's email address OR Moodle user ID, and their user record will be returned.

Returns object:
Fields include: id, username, firstname, lastname, fullname, email, suspended
Create Usercore_user_create_usersSpecify first name, last name, email address, username and an optional password to create a user.

If no password is specified a random password will be generated and sent by email to the user.

If a user with that email already exists, their details will be updated.

Returns integer:
ID of the newly created user.
Delete Usercore_user_delete_usersSpecify the user's email address OR Moodle user ID, and they will be deleted.

Returns boolean:
True for success
Update Usercore_user_update_usersSpecify either the user's email OR Moodle user ID, and any of first name, last name, email address, or suspended flag.

Returns boolean:
True for success

Enrol User in Courseenrol_manual_enrol_usersSpecify either the user's email OR Moodle user ID, and the course id, a group id and a suspended flag.

If the user is already enrolled nothing will happen, but the suspended flag will updated if it differs.

Returns boolean:
True for success
Unenrol User from Courseenrol_manual_unenrol_usersSpecify either the user's email OR Moodle user ID, and the course id.

Returns boolean:
True for success
Add User to Groupcore_group_add_group_membersSpecify either the user's email OR Moodle user ID, and the course id, a group id.

Returns boolean:
True for success
Remove User from Groupcore_group_delete_group_membersSpecify either the user's email OR Moodle user ID, and the course id, a group id.

Returns boolean:
True for success
Add User to Cohortlocal_trigger_add_cohort_membersSpecify either the user's email OR Moodle user ID, and the cohort idnumber.

Returns boolean:
True for success
Remove User from Cohortlocal_trigger_remove_cohort_membersSpecify either the user's email OR Moodle user ID, and the cohort idnumber.

Returns boolean:
True for success
Custom Action
A special action type that pre-registers a Moodle web service function as a custom action, and then allows you to call it as part of local_trigger.

Zapier Triggers ( Moodle Events)

Zapier TriggerMoodle EventDescription
New User Created\core\event\user_createdFires when a user is created in Moodle.

User ID (userid)
User username (user__username)
User first name (user__firstname)
User last name (user__lastname)
User email (user__email) 
User ID number (user__idnumber)
User Updated\core\event\user_updatedFires when a user is updated in Moodle

User ID (userid)
User username (user__username)
User first name (user__firstname)
User last name (user__lastname)
User email (user__email) 
User ID number (user__idnumber)
Quiz Attempt Submitted\mod_quiz\event\attempt_submittedFires when a user submits a quiz attempt.

Quiz ID: (other__quizid)
User ID (userid)
User username (user__username)
User first name (user__firstname)
User last name (user__lastname)
User email (user__email) 
User ID number (user__idnumber) 
Course ID (courseid) 
Course full name (course__fullname) 
Course short name (course__shortname) 
Course ID number (course__idnumber)
New Course Enrolment\core\event\user_enrolment_createdFires when a user is enrolled in a course.

User ID (userid)
User username (user__username)
User first name (user__firstname)
User last name (user__lastname)
User email (user__email) 
User ID number (user__idnumber) 
Course ID (course__id) 
Course full name (course__fullname) 
Course short name (course__shortname) 
Course ID number (course__idnumber)
Course Enrolment Deleted\core\event\user_enrolment_deletedFires when a user is unenrolled from a course.

User ID (userid)
User username (user__username)
User first name (user__firstname)
User last name (user__lastname)
User email (user__email) 
User ID number (user__idnumber) 
Course ID (courseid) 
Course full name (course__fullname) 
Course short name (course__shortname) 
Course ID number (course__idnumber)
User Levelled Up\block_xp\event\user_leveledupFires when a user attains a new level in the LevelUp XP plugin.

New level: (other__level)
User ID (userid)
User username (user__username)
User first name (user__firstname)
User last name (user__lastname)
User email (user__email) 
User ID number (user__idnumber) 
Course ID (courseid) 
Course full name (course__fullname) 
Course short name (course__shortname) 
Course ID number (course__idnumber)
Course Completed\core\event\course_completedFires when a course is completed by a user. Course completion must be enabled and configured.

User ID (userid)
User username (user__username)
User first name (user__firstname)
User last name (user__lastname)
User email (user__email) 
User ID number (user__idnumber) 
Course ID (courseid) 
Course full name (course__fullname) 
Course short name (course__shortname) 
Course ID number (course__idnumber)