The Poodll accordian creates a series of collapsed header and content sets. When the header is tapped the section collapses or expands. These are most commonly used in FAQ type pages.



Accordian Settings

To use the accordian, first add an "Accordian" container, and between the tags and  add "Accordian item"s. The accordian container sets the first accordian item active (open) by default. If you wish to open a different item then set it's index on the active field (indexes start from 0). 

NB You can not put bullet points inside accordian items. 

The accordian item asks you to set the header title text. After inserting the item, you can freely add content inside the item.

On the page the full set of accordian tags will look like this.

More Information

See here for a brief introduction to using Poodll Widgets.