Classic Poodll used to use registration codes in the Poodll filter settings to authenticate your site. But now it uses an API user and secret  In most cases you should be using the API user and secret, but if you need to use registration codes they still work.

The registration code is a combination of your account, your Moodle URL, and your subscription plan. After you purchase a new annual subscription, your registration codes will change. The registration code(s) from the free trial that you used, will need to be updated. You will need to copy and paste the new code(s) into the Poodll filter settings page in your Moodle site. The process is the same as you when you first created them. ie

  1. Go to

  2. If you did not do so already, enter your Moodle site url and save.
  3. Copy the registration code that displays for the Moodle site url.
    You need to do this even if you already have a registration key.
    This is because your old key will expire and stop working.

  4. Go to your PoodLL filter settings page on your Moodle site
    ie site administration -> plugins -> filters -> Poodll -> general settings

  5. Paste your registration code into the text area that says “Registration Key” and save.