1. Login at https://member.poodll.com

When you first register for the free trial, an account is created for you on the Poodll member site. So you will have both an account and a free trial subscription. To upgrade you should first login, and then purchase your new subscription. That way your user information, and the URLs that you registered, will be retained and you won’t have to enter them again.

If you do not recall your login information press the "Forgot your username or password?" link, enter the email you registered with, and a password reset link will be sent to you.

2. Visit the checkout page

Your dashboard will display your free trial subscription and an "Upgrade Plan" button. Click the upgrade plan button to visit the checkout page.

If you do not have a upgrade plan button you can visit the checkout page by clicking the "Change plan" or the "Add new subscription" button.

The checkout page will appear showing the subscription options available to you. Choose the subscription that matches your needs and a checkout pop up window will appear

3. Complete the checkout process

Enter your details and payment preferences. When the purchase process is completed the checkout popup will disappear and you will be returned to the dashboard.

4. Updating your site (optional)

In most cases you will not need to do anything to update your site. Your API user and secret for your account do not need changing. Poodll will automatically detect your new subscription information. 

There may be a delay however. So to detect those changes immediately:

  1. Visit the plugin's settings page in the admin area. For the Poodll filter, that is the General Settings page. You will see the API username and secret area there. It will look like this.

  2. Click on "Refresh license information" and Poodll will update your information locally